
We all, at ELECTROFAB INNOVATIONS (INDIA) PVT. LTD., are committed to manufacture and supply of Control Panels as per specifications provided by customer, to achieve Customer Satisfaction by:

Following consistent & concerted efforts,

anticipating quality needs & create resources to meet them in totality,

when in doubt, choose higher specifications (keeping an eye on cost factor).

This Quality Policy shall be reviewed periodically and revised to meet commitment to our customers.

Communication and Feedback :

This policy is explained to all employees during various training programs conducted. This policy is displayed at various places in the company.

Quality Objectives derived from the Quality Policy are reviewed in every Management Review Meeting.

Quality Objectives:

We at ELECTROFAB INNOVATIONS (INDIA) PVT. LTD. adopt the Quality Policy given by our M.D. and have translated it into the following Quality Objectives :

Objective Strategic Indicator
To achieve in time deliveries of customer order. 80% of deliveries to be achieved in time per quarter
To improve Housekeeping Index Performance Index > 80% per quarter.
To improve quality performance of suppliers 70% minimum for each quarter
To improve delivery performance of suppliers 70% minimum for each quarter
To minimize Rejections & Rework. i.e. Do It Right First Time and Every Time. 0% Rework & Rejections per quarter
- at In-Process Stage
- at Final Stage
To minimize Customer Complaints. 0 No. of Customer Complaints per quarter
To Enhance Training Activities. 03 nos. Training to be conducted per quarter
To carry out continual improvement project 01 no. per quarter
To minimize Rework Index Less than 100 % RW/Board

Targets for Quality Objectives are decided at the beginning of every financial year and reviewed in every Management Review meeting.

Quality Management System planning:

Cross-reference of documents is noted in all levels of QMS documentation to ensure that the Integrity of the QMS is maintained when changes to the QMS are planned and implemented.

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